Our practice specializes in treating chronic, acute and persistent conditions. By identifying the root cause, we support your journey to restore balance.


After navigating a challenging journey with a chronic health condition that remained unresponsive to traditional medical approaches, Jenny discovered profound relief through osteopathic treatment. Motivated by this transformative experience, she pursued extensive studies in craniosacral therapy and manual therapy, culminating in the attainment of her master's degree in osteopathy from the prestigious London School of Osteopathy in 2020.

Now, Jenny extends her expertise to patients of all ages, providing compassionate care and personalized treatments for a wide array of conditions

  • With a focus on long-term health and wellbeing, Jenny is dedicated to supporting her patients through various stages of their wellness journey. From addressing short-term injuries to navigating surgeries and managing chronic conditions, Jenny's holistic approach encompasses diverse therapeutic modalities tailored to individual needs.

    She holds a particular fascination with the intricate link between a stressed nervous system and overall health. The global pandemic has underscored the profound impact of trauma on both physical and emotional well-being, further fueling her commitment to comprehensive care.

    Jenny's expertise extends across a spectrum of modalities, including craniosacral therapy, advanced massage techniques, trigger point therapy, myofascial release, lymphatic drainage, pregnancy massage, and medical massage. She seamlessly integrates these approaches, customizing treatment plans for optimal results.

    Driven by a passion for problem-solving and complex cases, Jenny thrives on employing lateral thinking, research, and effective communication to deliver impactful outcomes. Continuously staying abreast of the latest evidence and healthcare advancements, she ensures her practice remains dynamic and responsive to evolving needs, making each day in her profession both stimulating and rewarding

AURORE DE BROQUEVILLE -  Women's Health Specialist


Aurore, a graduate of the European School of Osteopathy in 2010, brings over a decade of experience to her practice. Following six years of successful practice in Brussels and Montreal, she relocated to London in 2016, where she became an integral part of the Roscop Practice.

In 2019, Aurore furthered her specialization by completing a rigorous two-year post-graduate course in Women’s Health Osteopathy (PGD WHO) at the Molinari Institute of Health. Her areas of expertise include paediatrics, obstetrics, and women’s health, reflecting her dedication to providing comprehensive care across diverse patient needs

  • Aurore holds a degree in Endobiogeny, a preventive and integrative medical approach, from the Institut d’Endobiogénie Médecine Preventive Intégrative. Endobiogeny emphasizes clinical herbal medicine, known as phytotherapy, as its primary therapeutic tool.

    With a holistic and patient-centric approach, Aurore focuses on treating the individual rather than merely addressing symptoms, believing that true healing arises from within. She considers various factors contributing to imbalance, encompassing physical and emotional symptoms, stress, lifestyle, medical history, family background, allergies, intolerances, viruses, and pathology.

    As a mother of two young girls, Aurore finds fulfilment in working with babies and young children, advocating for preventive treatments from an early age. Additionally, she provides comprehensive support to women across different life stages, including puberty, conception, pregnancy, post-partum, menopause, and beyond.



Frédéric Roscop, a French-born osteopathic practitioner based in London, is renowned for his expertise in integrated medicine. Overcoming his own battle with chronic Lyme disease, along with co-infections and associated mental health challenges, he has devoted his career to unraveling the complexities of chronic conditions and addressing their root causes.

  • Frédéric Roscop, a distinguished osteopathic practitioner with a Master’s Degree specializing in stress and physiology, along with additional diplomas focusing on brain dynamics and trauma release, is the founder of The Roscop Practice in London. With over 20 years of experience, he provides care to approximately 4,000 patients annually.

    Leveraging his expertise, Frédéric has pioneered an innovative integrated approach called “Aequil,” bridging the realms of quantum physics, biology, and both orthodox and complementary medicine. Aequil is designed to unlock individuals' full potential for optimal health and wellbeing, promoting balance and resilience to thrive in their environment.

    Having devoted over 6 years to scientific research and development, Frédéric is a leading authority on dynamized, structured, and informed water, as well as EMF/frequencies. He is the patented creator of Aquantum Technology at Aequil Lab, revolutionizing the understanding and application of water science


Nobue Imai, a distinguished practitioner, holds degrees in acupuncture, moxibustion, and massage therapy from Hanada College in Japan. Drawing upon her expertise in Japanese techniques like Kiiko Matsumoto and Master Nagao, she has honed a unique approach that she has successfully applied in the UK for over two decades

  • Nobue specializes in comprehensive care for patients of all ages, addressing a wide range of conditions including stomach and nervous system problems, allergies, menopause, hormonal imbalances, immune system issues, gynecological concerns, and infertility.

    Her approach is rooted in the belief that every individual possesses innate healing capabilities. Through her balancing and curative methods, Nobue aims to enhance energy levels, strengthen the immune system, and harness the body's natural healing powers for optimal well-being

PHOEBUS YE TIAN -  Acupuncture Specialist


Phoebus is a highly respected practitioner specializing in acupuncture and Chinese medicine, renowned for his innovative blend of classical and modern techniques. With expertise across various acupuncture styles, Phoebus offers a holistic, patient-centered approach to promoting health and well-being.

  • Phoebus Ye Tian, a seasoned practitioner, specializes in modern medical acupuncture, traditional acupuncture, and Chinese medicine herbalism. Graduating from Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine, he brings over two decades of experience, including work in hospital orthopaedics.

    His teaching stint at London South Bank University reflects his dedication to knowledge sharing, while his foundational training in classical acupuncture, enriched by expertise in specialized styles like Master Tung's and balance acupuncture, ensures comprehensive care. Phoebus also integrates Acu-spirit, astrology, Toyohari Japanese, and Saam Korean acupuncture, catering to diverse needs.

    By merging ancient wisdom with modern anatomical theories like the Janda Approach, Anatomy Trains, and myofascial theory, Phoebus delivers gentle, precise treatments. With a focus on stress management, infertility, rheumatoid arthritis, anti-aging, and pain conditions, he prioritizes patient-centered care.

ANNALISA PAULINE DE JESSEY -  Pilates instructor


Driven by personal experience of the profound physical and psychological benefits of Pilates, Annalisa pursued her passion to teach professionally. She is an experienced Body Control Pilates instructor, dedicated to sharing the transformative power of Pilates with others.

Expert in teaching flexibility and mobility training to sports athletes such as tennis, polo, golf, footballers, boxing, horse riding and dancers; helping them to enhance their performance across both recovery and competitions.

  • Annalisa offers comprehensive Pilates instruction tailored to all levels, from beginners to advanced practitioners. Her sessions aim to address postural imbalances, enhance movement range, and aid in injury recovery.

    Specializing in clients with postural difficulties, injuries, and athletes seeking performance enhancement, Annalisa's classes prioritize strength, control, and core stability. Additionally, she emphasizes the mind-body connection for overall well-being.


Pauline's massage skills have naturally evolved through her training in Naturopathy and the tchi nei tsang technique. Her expertise in digestion aids clients in reducing bloating, enhancing toxin elimination, boosting energy levels, and strengthening immunity.

With a passion for Yoga and certifications in Vinyasa and Kundalini, Pauline recognizes the importance of movement for the body. She assists clients in selecting exercises that decrease inflammation and enhance circulation.

  • Pauline's energetic massages and unwavering commitment elevate both body and mind. With over a decade of experience, she emphasizes the importance of regular detoxification for a healthy metabolism. Her techniques release blockages, rejuvenate blood and lymph circulation, and enhance the body's natural healing abilities.

    A single treatment leaves you feeling lighter and looking slimmer, while consistent sessions lead to lasting improvements in cellulite and water retention.

    The Natural Face Lift Massage blends ancient techniques to sculpt, tone, and naturally firm your face. In just one hour, you’ll experience the release of tension, improved circulation, and enhanced relaxation.


Drawing from a decade of training and exposure to holistic health practices across diverse cultures Maciej has developed a deep appreciation for medical science, inspiring his holistic approach to health. Graduating from the London School of Reflexology and earning a master's degree in osteopathy from the London School of Osteopathy, he incorporates multiple perspectives into his approach.

  • Maciej, since settling in London, delved into the intricate relationship between the mind, body and Spirit, learning about the profound impact of their interaction and coexistence. Embracing the ethos of his namesake 'Sedlak' (meaning Farmer), Maciej emphasises the importance of the dependencies of external and internal environments in health. He leverages interdisciplinary insights from various social experiences, professional collaborations, and wisdom traditions spanning health, ecology, education, and economics. Additionally, he participated in the Comprehensive Pilates Polestar course, laying a solid foundation for his rehabilitation approach.

    “Everybody has a choice, therefore, the power to initiate a positive change - it is my role to support that choice.“


Massage Therapist

A specialist in both therapeutic full body massage and manual lymphatic drainage massage, Clemence has a Level 3 Diploma in Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology with body massage and lymphatic drainage massage.

  • Clemence has always been interested in health and wellbeing. After studying at the École Hôtelière in Lausanne she started her career in hospitality, working in a members club for women in London. She felt the need to support women, especially in their health and beauty. During her first pregnancy she experienced the benefits of massage. Bloating in many parts of the body was a concern as well as an increase in cellulite on the legs. After a few sessions of the remodeling technique, her skin looked smoother and healthier.

    After giving birth this massage had the most impact on her weight, there was a very noticeable loss. A faster recovery after her second pregnancy gave Clemence great joy.

ROBERTA BALDO - The Roscop Practice


Nutritionist and Food Scientist
+ Specialist in Gut and Digestive issues, Weight Loss, Menopause, Food Intolerance, SIBO.

Qualified at the College of Naturopathic Medicine. Graduated in Food Science.  Certified DNA Life Practitioner. Member of British Menopause Society. Member of the Institute of Functional Medicine (IFM).

  • Roberta specialises in digestive issues, nutrient absorption and gut health addressing the root cause of any problem rather than just treating the symptoms. Roberta also supports patients with weight management issues, mood disorders, hormonal imbalances and clients simply desiring to optimize their health and longevity.

April Morgan

Nutritionist and Nutritional Chef 

Specialist in Gut Health, Sleep, Skin, Stress Management, Weight Optimisation, Anti-Ageing and Longevity

  • April is a highly qualified and experienced Nutritionist and Nutritional Chef with a wealth of experience in the wellness field.

    Having trained at the College of Naturopathic Medicine, she has spent a decade working in clinical practice and for a roster of high-profile brands, helping individuals harness the power of Nutrition to achieve and sustain their health goals. Her ethos is to always make health accessible to everyone by educating and empowering clients with a personalised approach.


+ Specialist in Weight Management, Body Image, Female Health, Hormonal Imbalances, Stress, Mood Disorders, Menopause & Thyroid.

Qualified at the College of Naturopathic Medicine. Certified Practitioner Neuro-Linguistic-Programming. Certified Master Practitioner in Eating Disorders and Obesity Management. Certified Practitioner in Mastering The Addictive Personality.

  • Caroline specialises in weight loss and emotional eating, moving patients away from unsuccessful dieting regimes towards a healthy and nutritious food plan. Caroline also supports patients with diabetes, thyroid issues, digestive problems, hormonal dysregulations and women at different stages of their lives.